The Maimonides Minyan meets for tefilah three times a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, within the beautiful S. Joseph Solomont Synagogue of the Maimonides School.
Because an understanding of the prayer service is so important, many of our regular classes focus on a study of the prayers.
Because an understanding of the prayer service is so important, many of our regular classes focus on a study of the prayers.
Weekday ShacharitThe Maimonides Minyan meets for Shacharit every day of the year.
Consult the monthly calendar for Shacharit teams on special days. Mincha & Maariv before and after ShabbatThe Minyan also meets for Mincha and Maariv before and after Shabbat.
Weekday Mincha and Maariv follow the school Minyan schedule. Call 617-232-4452 for times. |
Rabbi Jaffe's articles on prayer |